Friday, January 15, 2010

Entering the Abyss (Part 1)

445am my alarm woke me up after a 2 hour nap. Hardly a legitimate sleep. Per usual I was packing til the very last minute and attempting to cram in everything that's been on my to do list since I came home from miami pre christmas. (And yes, I managed to get most of it done)

I successfully made it through security, miracles. My patiences for security is zero. Miracles they let me through with my attitude and I have yet to punch any of them. New security frustration...after going through the metal detector thing (successfully, I might add) the woman motioins to my pokemon wristband that I must take it off and go through again. Yes, clearly I'm hiding cocaine under it and am a huge threat to the safety of others. This is after I've spent 10 minutes taking off my boots, finding my liquids, prying my computer out of my overstuffed backpack, and pulling off my belt. No small tasks at 6am aka the hour of death.

I'm at the gate and its 630am. Our flights 720. I say our because my parents are accompanying me out to the west coast. Last time in Boston for awhile. We're flying into Los Angeles and driving down to San Diego.

I find myself constantly looking around trying to decide who on my flight is doing Semester at Sea with me. Any flash of Patagonia or North Face jackets or bags and I assume they are. Not a very accurate assumption considering its winter in Boston and most people own outdoor gear that never find themselves outside for more than 10 minutes at a time. I, at times, being one of these people.

And I'm sitting here in cowboy boots,
jeans, and an army shirt with massive sunglasses on my head. So I don't exactly fit the description that I'm even looking for. Fails.

And I just heard final boarding call to miami. I'm resisting every urge to get up and run and go south back to all my friends not going abroad.

I'm gonna nap before the long flight. We're flying first class---the perks of traveling with m&d. I'll post later when I make it out west. Goodbye Boston, Batfrog, and all my friends. I'll miss you all.

Feel free to email me or facebook me since I've got my crackberry


  1. hahahahha northface is totally the perfect indicator for study abroad kids in roma.

    when we go out in groups im like 80 percent of the way there too being italian in dress but my being asian and wearing comfy tennis sneakers is an ever present fail.

    there are a lot of minorities here but i still stick out somehow.

  2. Well Steff you are a big girl now....enjoy your semester. I'd likie to say I am envious but the family knows I am not this adventurous. We will miss you but looking forward to the Blogs. I will keep your Mom busy (many phone calls as usual hahaha and lunches at CCF). Love you
