Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 3: No Classes

When I woke up, on my terms at 1000 I looked at my phone to see the time and discovered that it was a Saturday morning. I think this was the first Saturday morning all semester that I got to sleep in. That made me so happy. I wasn’t even tired anymore. I got up and showered and packed up stuff to do work. I figured I’d get some tea then do work before lunchtime.

I went up to the 7th deck to the gym to sign up for a slot then went down to the 6th to get my tea. Tania and Nic were finishing up breakfast wraps. So I joined them. There was a ton of people chilling in the dining hall doing work before lunch. They didn’t finish them, so I got some breakfast wraps for freeeee. They were really good. Tania went off to find Brandon so Nic and I hung out until lunch started a half hour later. Then we figured why not? We were already there. We might as well eat. Victor saw us and joined us.

After lunch we went down to the 3rd deck to do some work before our group meeting for Global Studies at 1300 to exchange information. The meeting was semi-useless, but what else were we really doing? Answer: nothing. When we finished up I went up to the gym to bike for an hour then do some abs outside. It was pretty hot and humid out, but there was a steady breeze on the port side.

When I finished working out I went down to Becca’s room to discuss our plans for the afternoon for filming the ship. We decided to shower and get dressed then do out movie at 1630. We were going to use Becca’s Flip video camera to do a walking tour with our commentary of the ship so we could take it home to remember the ship forevs and evs. It was mostly a joke, but we don’t want to forget ANYTHING. Haha.

So she called me up and came over and we started recording. We went all over the ship and commented on everything we came across. We ran into people and everyone was ecstatic to greet our camera. Even people we weren’t really friends with stopped to talk to the camera. It was really funny. It took us almost an hour to walk around and film. At 1730 we had to stop to go to dinner to get some food. The girls were already there. The boys were mysteriously absent. More drama. The food was actually delicious: pasta with cream sauce, pumpkin soup, and pound cake! Joy, joy, joy! The boys came late minus Brandon and sat at a table next to us, but not with us. Tension. We all disbanded. I loved not being directly involved in it. So I stopped to talk to the boys for a few minutes before heading downstairs to get some work done.

When Becca and I got down to the 3rd deck, we realized we forgot to film the 2nd deck. So we continued our filming. When we finished we uploaded all the video clips and watched them through. We have almost 45 minutes of video. It’s so awesome. But I think we’re going to redo it, or do a different variation of it.

I attempted making a phone call, but I couldn’t get my phone to make a call anywhere on the ship. Eventually it went through, but it barely worked. Then my phone had a minor breakdown and I had to reboot it. Fails. I’ll be happy when I get back to normal cell phone service and contact with people. I have picked the hardest study abroad program to keep in touch with people. Part 2. Island School and Semester at Sea. SAS is easier than IS, but still.

I met up with Becca at the Piano Bar and got some candy and talked to Karen, one of the women who works there. She told us a lot of her gossip. She loves gossiping about everyone on the ship and everyone loves her. She’s so funny. Her and Teresita work the closing shift every night. We told them all about our dramas.

It wasn’t too late, but I wanted to go back to my room to watch Superbad since it was playing on the tv. Finally, a good movie. It felt a little sacrilegious to watch it without the other 3 members of the Superbad fan club, but I definitely needed it.

Within a few minutes of watching it, Tania came in and turned off her lights and got in bed. So I felt a little bad and turned it off and turned off my lights and went back to the Piano Lounge to do some work. When I got up there I saw that a bunch of people had turned it on on the big tv in the Lounge. Good. It wasn’t even late. It was like 2200. Strange. I watched it all the way through while I caught up on my emails and blog. When it ended I went off to bed. I couldn’t fall asleep forever. The heat was on. Why the heck was the heat on? I do not know. Eventually I was able to fall asleep. So much for being well-rested for my classes the next day.

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