Thursday, February 25, 2010

2 days at Sea

Day 1: A9
I woke up for 0930 Global Studies. I still felt really sick and exhausted so I went back to sleep for another hour and a half.

I woke up for 1100 Biology of Sharks. I even showered. This class was a total fail. I felt like death and couldn't stop coughing. The room was so hot and stuffy, it was killing my throat. I walked out to get water at one point and actually considered leaving. But I stuck it out.

I skipped lunch, which I usually have right after class. I went back to bed to rest up for Anthropology at 1400. I felt even worse and decided it wasn't worth it.

I slept til 1730 when everyone wanted to eat. Dinner was pretty lame, but I was starving. Nic also was wicked sick and had a fever all day. It broke around dinner time so she was able to come out and eat.

We went and ate again later on the 7th deck for some real food. So good.

Luckily the clocks went back an hour. Tania, Brandon, and I hung out all night and watched Fraggle Rock. So excited to go to bed. I didn't think I'd be able to fall asleep, but I managed to fall asleep by 2330 and pass out for the night. Delightful.

Day 2: B9

I managed to wake up early today to get up and go to breakfast before 0800 Marine Biology. I made it through class successfully and feel somewhat better today. Not great, but better.

After class I showered and worked on my blog and stuff. At 1030 I had a manicure, courtesy of Mom, Dad, and Scott. So thank you very much. It was much needed before Vietnam. Tania got a pedicure, too. When I got back we all went to lunch. Lunch was actually really good: noodles and spinach. They had flavor! A different flavor than the normal blah flavor!

I took a half hour nap before Global Studies. Tania and I went together. It was a really touching class. It was a panel of 4 of the teachers who had been through the Vietnam war, either fighting or protesting. It was sad and hard to listen to parts of it, but it was fascinating. It helped that I took Ben Snyder's Vietnam class 4 years ago. I had a decent background on Vietnam and the war.

After class I exchanged China pictures with Zach and Michael. I blogged some more and Tania napped. We all hung out.

Becca and I had a family dinner with our father and brothers and sisters at 1800. I really love that group. We shared our tales of Japan and China as we hadn't seen each other in about 3 weeks for dinner.

After dinner Becca and I sat with Tania and ate some more. Then we all played around on the 3rd deck before Pre-Port. We were told Pre-Port would be broadcasted on the tv in our rooms. Lies. We went up to the 6th deck piano lounge and tried to watch, but that sucked. There was almost zero sound. The Union gets too packed and uncomfortable to be worth it.

Someone then said it was now playing in the cabins and we started back down to the room. An LLC yelled at us and said it wasn't true and to find a place to watch it quickly. Again, we're not 8. We were in the process of figuring it out. We ended up sitting in the piano lounge again. Fails to 9th.

A teacher came by and told us we'd be better off in classroom 2 if we were interested. Better approach. We went and paid attention. And played Uno. It took 2 hours. Blahhhh.

I bought epic amounts of Deet to protect me from malaria. I started my malaria medicine today. Woooo. It's all about preventing the malaria.

Brandon, Tania, Becca, and I hung out in our room and watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Great movie. I recommend it. Now it's time for bed though. Need to do some final resting for Vietnam tomorrow!

We can actually see lights out our window! We're getting close!

1 comment:

  1. Love your descriptions of the sights/people/food. Especially loved the blog entry about the great wall. Continue to soak up this amazing experience. love,mom
