Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hong Kong, PRC

I didn't wake up the next day til 1000. The latest I've slept so far this semester. I gathered everyone and accounted for everyone we'd been missing from the night before. We all showered and got ready to head out into Hong Kong for some food.

We wandered around and no one could really make a solid decision about where to eat. I voted Spaghetti House again, but most people rejected that. Instead we ate at the restaurant above it: Shakey's Pizza, which, apparently, is a west coast pizza place. It was essentially the same as the Spaghetti House and must be owned by the same people. I had a BBQ chicken pizza. It was pretty good, but really didn't have any BBQ sauce on it.

We had a leisurely lunch of catching up on everyone's experiences from the night before. We'd collected a few random people on our walk.

After lunch we wandered around some more and headed back to the terminal/mall. We all grabbed our laptops for the free wifi. Everyone else seemed to have the same idea as we had to be back on the ship in a few hours to leave port for Vietnam. The internet barely worked. It sucked.

I gave up after a little and just went back to the ship. I finally got to talk to Dom. It was wicked late back home on the east coast since we were 11 hours ahead.

Everyone managed to get back on time except for Mason and Nolan, who now have dock time.

I was so excited to take a nap. But everyone dragged me to dinner at 1700. We napped for an hour after dinner. Then at 1900 we all had a muster drill, which is essentially a fire drill. It went on forever and everyone looked exhausted. Becca got in trouble for talking during it. She got written up and had a meeting. She has to go to meditation to learn that it's ok to be quiet. Hahahahahahah. Most ridiculously funny punishment ever.

After this we all went up to the 7th deck to watch the 2000 laser light show over the city. It was pretty cool to see as we pulled out of port to head to Vietnam. We all hung out for awhile and got some food at the bar.

Again, so excited to go to bed. I've been sick for the past 3 days at least. It's gotten worse. I had a sore throat and cough on top of being tired. I needed the sleep.

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