Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 4

Day 4: (2/1)
I find myself sitting in Global studies questioning how this class is real. I think 95% of the class is asleep. I've been paying attention but am quickly losing interest. I'm so pumped for this class to be over, because we don't have class tmrw. Its the friday afternoon (or thursday) feeling that we're almost freeeee. Class everyday straight through weekends is somewhat a morale killer. We turned the clocks back again last night. Now 7 hours behind east coast time. We cross the dateline soon. Wednesday February 3rd, 2010 will not exist in my world. That is so crazy. Today has been semi uneventful. I got my laundry back. I went to marine bio at 0800. I worked out. I ate lunch. After class a bunch of us are planning out adventures in Japan. So pumped for Japan. Also, very freaked out to not know or even remotely understand the language or anything. This shall be quite the adventure. As nice as it was to be back on solid ground in Hawaii, I was pretty stoked to be back on the ship rocking and rolling me off to sleep at night. Although sitting here in the union in class is making me feel semi naseaous. Joyous. Ill also be super stoked to get off the ship and drink gatorade and juice. The water here is so disgusting. It's desalinated, etc. It has a horrific taste and after taste. Water should not have an after taste.

Now don't get me wrong, I love this ship and all the people. Most of what I find interesting has to do with people here as we are out at sea getting to know each other. But this will not interest you or be appropriate. We are having cake tonight for my birthday then drinking up at Pub Night to celebrate the legality of my life.

That is all.

Love and miss.

1 comment:

  1. OMGOMGOMGOMG eat a burger out of a vending machine for me!

    also, get ookonomiyaki its like a huge noodle pancake friend on a skillet at your table
