Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 1 back at sea A10

Today has been pretty uneventful as far as being at sea goes.  I got up at 0900 for Global Studies.  We left Saigon around 0600 or so. We traveled along this channel/river way for a few hours. It was really pretty with trees lining either side and little one man fishing boats here and there.  Global Studies was more interesting than usual as they had a student panel of people from all over the world and country.  They answered questions about themselves and then what they thought of globalization and the future of the planet.At 1100 I had Biology of Sharks, where we discussed our adventures in Vietnam and Abel had us talk about Nha Trang.  Then we watched a shark video and got out a little early.Tania and I had lunch together on the 5th deck after class and Brandon met up with us.  There was mac and cheese for lunch.  BEST LUNCH EVER.After lunch I planned out my day trips for the rest of this voyage.  I’m mostly just signing up for trips in Ghana because I have no idea what to do there and SAS offers a bunch of sweet trips there.  I think Tania and I are going to try and do a few together.  Possibly Becca, too.  As for Nic, she has been MIA all day in my world.At 1400 I had Anthropology.  I really wasn’t in the mood to go, but did it anyways.  We discussed the mid term and our experiences in Vietnam.  After 40 minutes she told us we’re all tired and told us we were done for the day.  Sick.I decided I’d go work out for an hour on the stairmaster.  I first signed up for a 7 Seas Massage and Facial for later in the evening.  Then I ran to the stores before they closed to pick up a t-shirt and some blank disks to put pictures on.My workout was intense and I was exhausted after.  I showered and then it was time for my 1700 massage and facial.The massage was so relaxing and so necessary after all the stress of traveling and running around and being exhausted.  It was a combination of Swedish, Thai, Shiatsu, and a few other kinds of massages.  It’s the signature massage of the spa.  It was awesome.  It included a lot of stretching that felt good on sore muscles.  Everyone that knows me, knows one of my favorite things in the world is getting massages.After my massage I felt like jello, I was so relaxed.  Then I headed for my facial.  I’d never had one before, it was kind of weird.  But it felt great after being in the humidity and dirt of Vietnam.  Gloriousness.  It also included a face and head massage.  By the end of this I could barely walk I was so relaxed.  I’d spent 2 hours in the spa.  I signed up for working out for the next day and went back to the room. No one was around as it was 1900.  So I went to dinner.  Dinner was bow tie pasta in tomato sauce.  Dessert was chocolate cake and frosting.  What a great day.  This is where I find myself after finally catching up on my blog. It’s about 2100 now.  We turn the clocks forward an hour tonight, explain to me how that makes an sense.  It really doesn’t.  For now I’m off to head back to the room and get some more stuff done before bed.  I’ve only got class at 0800 tomorrow.  I’ll be able to get a lot of work done if I can focus.

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