Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 2 at Sea

This day was rather uneventful.  I ended up accidentally sleeping through 0800 Marine Biology.  Our clocks got turned forward an hour.  And I'd been up late working on my take home midterm for that class.  I went to bed after 0300.  I didn't miss much, they just discussed adventures in Vietnam and he let everyone go early.  I was on the Nha Trang trip with my teacher anyways, so I already knew about everything he was talking about.  And I'd just had Biology of Sharks with him the day before.I did, however, manage to wake up for my 0930 workout.  I got some stairmastering and biking in.  So I  felt productive.  Global Studies was cancelled for the day, so I had no classes.  I got to work on everything I'd been behind in.We took all the boys cameras and uploaded their pictures and went through them for awhile.  They had a bunch of cute family pictures.  And about a million ones of themselves in front of different monuments and important places, clearly to send home to their mothers.  It was really funny and cute.At 5 Becca and I went up to Tymitz Sqaure to work on our Sea Olympics (Slympics) banner for our sea.  This other boy from our floor, Roger, a graphic design major, was designing it.  We were just there to assist and color.  We're the Yellow Sea, which is to the north east of China.  We are bananas.  So our banner is a giant dancing banana.  It looks pretty sweet.  It took us awhile to paint it all.  Some of the other seas have really intense banners with crests and everything.  Ours is very simple, which is nice.Dinner wasn't anything special.  The rest of the night was spend hanging out with everyone and attempting to get work done.

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