Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 3 at Sea

ow if I said this already or not, but she's our Slympics captain.  Her and this other girl Casey are the Sea Captains, or Scaptains.The highlighter tie dye was better in theory.  But the shirts came out kind of cool.  Obviously I was able to have makeshift tie dye.  I'm missing the real thing.  The color was somewhat bright at first but faded with time.  It also comes out almost completely with water.We gathered everyone and went up to the 6th deck to eat.  We haven't eaten up on th 6th deck since the very beginning.  I like the 5th deck better.  But since they serve alcohol down on the 5th, 2 of the boys aren't allowed to eat down there until they're off of probation.  Nothing major, they've got 2 days left of this.  They're in trouble for drinking in port.  Which isn't illegal, SAS frowns on it though as "port is an extension of the ship."  Both of them are well over the legal American drinking age.  One is even 24, so being in trouble for legally drinking was a little bit BS for him.  They're not allowed to go to Pub Night for a few more days, too.  Pub Night is useless though, it's too expensive and somewhat of a waste of time now that everyone has a group of friends.  People are still willing to meet new people, but I'd rather hang out with my friends and watch a movie or play a game or something.After dinner with our family, Becca and I had to go down to the 5th deck to eat with our other family.  Our adopted family.  I love both of these families.  Our "father" told us that we'd be going through the Straight of Malacca with military escorts to avoid being attacked by pirates.  None of knew much about this at the time, but apparently it's been all over the news.  We were going through areas where small ships, or boats, whichever is the correct terminology, were coming up to larger ships and blowing themselves up.  We joked around about this over dinner, I mean what else can you do?  There's really nothing but to take it in stride.  We kept seeing small fishing vessels and anytime one would veer even remotely in our direction we'd joke that they were coming after us.Tania and a bunch of the girls, along with Kareem, on our floor were preparing a lip sync routine for the Slympics.  They were doing Under the Sea from the Little Mermaid.  They were working really hard on their dancing and everything.  Kareem is from the Bahamas and has the perfect accent to be Sebastion the crab.  We all decided to help out by making paper sea creatures.  We hung out in the internet cafe of our hallway and everyone walking by that we knew, and didn't know joined us for the arts and crafts festivities.  This went on for several hours.  I was quite impressed by everyone's willingness to help out and hang out.One of the other activities of the Slympics is dress your LLC (read: RA).  The theme, like our voyage, is to dress her sustainably.  Mason got this activity assigned to him.  He made Emily a Madonna bra out of recycled cans he got from the 7th deck.  He also made her plastic bag parachute pants, a cigarette belt, and glasses.  He got really into it, something none of us expected.I worked on my Marine Bio and Bio of Sharks midterms for awhile and got a good chunk done before bed.Oh, and WE FINALLY GOT LAUNDRY.  Literally we went 5 weeks without laundry.  I don't know exactly how or why this occurred, but I've never seen so many bags of laundry in the hallway this entire trip.  Somehow I think our Sea got skipped.  Thank God we got it.  I had already done my laundry in the sink twice.  We had laundry last right before Japan.  Japan!  We're now past Vietnam.  We've been to 5 ports since then.  Imagine all the clothing.

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