Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 1: Back at Sea

Slept through Global Studies at 0930. I’ve decided that since it helped me so little on the test to attend every lecture, that I deserved a day off. I got up and showered and went to 1100 Biology of Sharks. I had lunch with Saahil, Bea, Victor, and Emily. I took a nap. Went to 1400 Anthropology. I got my test back. 100%. Gloriousness.

I ran into Becca in the dining hall so we hung out and then got an early dinner on the 7th deck. We got pizza. Way better than whatever dinner was. We hung out for awhile.

We tried to go stargazing out on the 8th deck up front when they turned all the lights off, but there were too many clouds. The stars the night before were pretty incredible even with the lights on. There were so many.

Tonight we could only catch glimpses of a few. The moon broke through the clouds a few times. We played with a laser pointer though. Then we went to the gym for a late night work out. I ran on the treadmill for the first time. The seas were a little rough, but it felt good to run again. I’ll probably be sore tomorrow considering my lack of running on this voyage.

So I find myself here, sitting in the hallway updating my blog and chilling with Toby. That’s all for tonight. Only a few days until we get to Cape Town. I cannot wait for South Africa, it’s gonna be insane. I’ve got stuff planned for every day. This is the only port where that’s true ahead of time. So stoked. Oh, and the clocks go back an hour tonight. Amazingness. Goodnight.

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