Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 2: More Time at Sea

Got up for 0800 Marine Biology. Exhausted. Didn’t get to go to bed too early last night. I would have loved to go to bed earlier, but my room is no longer an option for me to just chill in. When we looked out the starboard windows in the morning we could Madagascar. It was so cool to see the mountainous ridges that were Madagascar, but it made us really wish we could be going there.

Global Studies was cancelled for the day. So I was done with class at 0915. I went back to bed for an hour or so til Nic came to wake us up for lunch. Spicy pasta for lunch. Not too bad. Hung out for awhile then went to the gym with Becca at 1400. Biked. Treadmilled. Stairmastered. Stretched. The weather wasn’t too nice earlier, but it cleared up when I was out stretching on the 7th deck. It was so nice out.

I showered and got dressed and started writing up an FDP for my Marine Biology class. At 1700 Becca and I went to the Jewish group. She is opening me up to the other religions. I figured I’d go and see what it was all about. We decorated matza covers for Passover. Susan I really hope you read this and see my attempts at being Jewish. I actually knew a bunch of people there. And Jason joined us later for the Shabbat service, since it’s Friday. He’s not Jewish either, so it was okay. Plus they were all really welcoming to have people interested. After they said prayers and sang we had Kiddush with challah and grape juice. Then we all had dinner together in the classroom. It was really interesting to see another prayer service than something Catholic.

I’m finishing up my FDP tonight and hopefully starting in on another one. I’ve got 6 to do for Marine Biology and Biology of Sharks combined.

They posted the grades for Global Studies today. I had been afraid that I did horrifically. They got scaled by 4 points and I got an 88! That was 2 points better than my first test. So I was pretty pumped, most of my friends did not do so well. The average was an 80. Spectacular. I still think that class is stupid and a waste of time.

I’m currently sitting in Becca’s room watching Blue Planet as I have been ousted from my room for like the 4th straight night? But I mean who’s counting. Really.

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