Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 3: At Sea

0930 Global Studies about HIV/AIDs in South Africa. It was really interesting. One of the inter-port guys spoke about it. 1100 Biology of Sharks was also good, we got to watch Shark Week: Air Jaws. It made everyone so stoked about shark cage diving in the next week. I can’t believe that normal conversations consist of “Which day are you shark diving next week?” and that’s totally normal. It’s even normal to discuss it in class.

After class Bea, Victor, Vanessa, Emily, and I grabbed lunch. I spent awhile in the Piano Lounge talking to whoever passed by and working on FDP’s for Abel. I’ve now completed 2 of 6. I’m getting there.

1400 Anthropology. Toby was speaking in Global Studies at the same time so she couldn’t teach class. Instead we watched “21 Up South Africa.” It was actually really good, especially after that Jamaica video last week

After class I worked out for awhile and did a ton of stretches and abs out on the 7th deck. It was so nice out that I ended up going to the bow to relax and journal. No one was up there, so it was really peaceful.

At 1700 we had to sign up for tables for the Alumni Ball in May. I can’t believe we’re already signing up for that in May. That should be so much farther away. Our group is me, Becca, Victor, Bea, Vanessa, Molly, and Emily. After we signed up we got dinner up on the 7th deck and chilled for awhile. Becca, Bea, and I went up to the bow to watch the sunset, it was gorgeous, even though it wasn’t a real sunset. It always seems to be cloudy on the horizon.

At 2200 the second segment of Nolan and Pat’s video “Well Hard” was shown in one of the classrooms. So the entire fam showed up to support them. It was really good. They showed the first segment, too. I need to get a copy of it all when they finish it up. It’s so trippy. Then we obviously had to go to snack in the 6th deck dining hall.

Everyone headed off in different directions. Our ceiling was leaking? I put the trash can under one of the leaks and went to bed. Finally a day to sleep in! I’m not getting up til 1000 to go to the gym.

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