Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 5: B22

2 days until Brazil and 3 more days of class left this semester! Including today, that is. I laid in bed struggling to get up for my 0800 class. Nic knocked on the door and got me moving. I met her up on the 5th deck for breakfast. There were Corn Flakes today. I stocked up and threw a bunch of them in my backpack for later. I got some tea and we headed off to Marine Biology. Class was interesting enough about the deep sea, but half the class was on fisheries. The exact same lecture as my Biology of Sharks class the day before. So I got to zone out and draw pictures.

Abel let us out early because he was talking in 0930 Global Studies. I came up to the 6th floor and played on my computer and got stuff done for a half hour before class. Global Studies was interesting. Kind of. It was again about sustainability and the state of the planet. A bunch of teachers spoke about it from different points of view.

I dragged myself off to the gym. I managed to do the bike and the stairmaster then do an entire yoga/pilates/ab workout on the port side. It was so nice out.

After showering and getting changed I went to Becca’s room to see if maybe she’d join me for a chicken sandwich up on the 7th deck. I was starving and had missed lunch. She easily agreed. On the way up we ran into Bea, who also decided to join us. Becca and I decided to design workouts for one another. I gave her my swimming workout and she gave me her ab/arms/back circuits. We spent almost an hour writing these all out for each other for when we get back to the real world, swimming pools, and gyms. I will thoroughly enjoy that day. I miss having a real gym that doesn’t move up and down.

We hung out on the 7th deck for far too long. Saahil stopped by, as did Sam, and a whole array of other people. We walked each other through our new routines of death. It took a lot longer than I would have guessed.

It was getting hotter as the afternoon went on. We went back inside to the air conditioning and stopped by the store to pick up some sweet SAS stuff that we didn’t need. We wasted the rest of the afternoon before dinner in the hallway. The email and internet has been down and really slow for the past 2 days. So I haven’t been able to post all my blog entries like I wanted to. It’s really annoying. I don’t know why. My email is moving at a glacial pace and I can’t even think of using the real internet for anything.

I started working on my Global Studies project. I have a lot of good information and roughly know what I want to do; I just need to actually do it.

We had a family dinner. It was nice. Well, as nice as dinner can be with 4 20 something year old guys. They’re a little much at the dinner table sometimes. Dinner wasn’t anything special. We went to the smoker’s deck for awhile and hung out. I went up the 6th deck dining hall and sat with Victor, Bea, Isaac, Holly, and Kelly. At 1900 we had a Yellow Sea ice cream social. Emily organized it all for us. I think just about everyone in our sea showed up. I mean it was free ice cream, who could possibly pass that up? It was delicious. Sam, Becca, Jeff, and I hung out on the 6th deck dining hall for awhile, until I realized I needed to go and get some work done. I ended up being a useless human being in the internet cafĂ© for almost an hour until Nic came by to ask for help with the Marine Biology homework due tomorrow.

We went up the 6th deck to classroom 2 and attempted to do work. This was a fail. We ended up talking and being distracted for almost an hour.

Nolan and Pat and all them were supposed to be showing the 4th segment of their Sea TV show at 2200. So we packed up all our stuff and went to classroom 8 to wait for it. Apparently they didn’t finish in time and weren’t going to show it. Another group was showing theirs. We had already walked in and sat down when we found this out, so we couldn’t exactly just get up and leave. The other video was entertaining I guess. The guys’ video is just so well done, that seeing other people’s is a little bit of a disappointment. Plus I hadn’t seen all the other videos they’d shot, so I was lost. Nic agreed with that.

When it ended we went to get some candy and bowled noodles at the Piano Bar. We found an empty classroom to do work. Almost as soon as we sat down Tania came in and Isaac saw us. Isaac ended up talking to us for almost an hour. Nic and I gave up and went back down to the smoker’s deck. Pat and Sam came out, too. I was going to go to bed, but ended up hanging out with Nic and Sam in their room for far too long. At least the clocks go back an hour tonight.

I’m exhausted. We don’t have classes tomorrow. But we do have another one of the stupid lifeboat drills at 0900. At least this time the dictatorship had the decency to tell us before waking us up at 0800. I hate them for this. We’ve done it 3 times already. Do we really need to do one in the last 2 weeks? And on a day we have off from classes? Jerks. They don’t like to see us be happy. They really don’t. I’m convinced.

Anyways, I need to get some sleep before I curse out the loud speaker in several hours. I’m now only an hour ahead of east coast time! Brazil is in about 36 hours! Exciting things on the horizon! Love love loveeeee.

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