Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 6: Brazil and Earth Day

4/20. We were woken up at 0800 to be told that there would be a lifeboat drill at 0900. Thank you for warning us. The guy on the loud speaker literally spoke about the lifeboat drill for 5 minutes as though we’d never done this before. I’m pretty sure after the last one they told us that was it. I think they just hate us. I fell back to sleep. The alarm went off at 0900 and we had to get up. I considered telling Tania to just call out for our room and I’d continue sleeping. She’d gotten up early to do work. But I found out today that they check everyone’s room to make sure they get up. I considered hiding in the shower. I put on my moccasins since we have to wear closed toe shoes. As soon as I stepped out of my room Kenton told me that they’d send me right back down when they saw me wearing boxers and not long pants. Gahhhh. It’s like a million degrees out and humid. I threw on sweats and went upstairs with my lifejacket on. Very displeased. While walking upstairs I loudly informed everyone that if the ship starts going down in the middle of the night, to just let me sleep and go down with it. I received a death look by one of the crew. Well, maybe if you let us sleep in on our days off from class we wouldn’t be so pissed off.

It went on for far too long. It took almost a half hour for them to call off everyone’s cabin number and make sure we were all there.

When it ended I went back downstairs and found my laundry was all done from yesterday. Bonus! I didn’t think it would be ready yet. Just in time for Brazil. I was struggling for clean clothes. I put them all away and got ready to go to the gym at 1000.

I went up to the gym a little early and got some stairmastering in before biking. It was a good workout. Becca worked out next to me for awhile and entertained me, then Nic came up for a little bit. I did a solid amount of body circuits out on the port side 7th deck. It was really nice out. It was pretty hot, but there was a good breeze.

I tried to go and shower, but Kenton was busy cleaning our room, so I went up the 6th deck and got a quick lunch of mac and cheese. Not great, but not horrible. Then I showered. Becca came by and asked me to go up to the 7th for food. I got some mint tea and chocolate chip cookies. Midhun and Holly joined us, too.

I had to go and get some stuff done before dinner. I spent most of the afternoon fooling around on the 3rd deck with Becca, Amy, and Chelsea. I got most of my Global Studies project done.

Dinner was up on the 7th deck with Becca, Victor, Bea, Vanessa, and a bunch of other people. I had a chicken sandwich and a smoothie. We watched the sunset; it was gorgeous. We’ve seen some great sunsets, especially recently. We made basic plans for the next day, FOR BRAZIL!

Chilled down in the internet cafĂ© and finished up some more of the Global Studies project. Then it was time for Pre-Port. Becca and I went up for it at 2000. We sat with Vanessa and Michelle and Bea. I brought my computer to get some work done and not be bored out of my mind. It’s the last real Pre-Port! How sad is that? This whole time I kept wondering if I’d be sad at the last Pre-Port since they’re so excruciating, but I wasn’t. I don’t think it’s really registered with me. I’m so excited for Brazil, but I have no idea what to expect.

Pre-Port went by quickly as I spent time doing other stuff. It was all pretty standard. Nothing too exciting or out of the ordinary. Although, the Amazon trips got bumped until later in the morning the second day. Instead of having to be ready in the Union at 0430, it’s now 0630. That is amazing. That means I can go out and actually still get more sleep than in any other port before leaving for a flight. Sickkkk.

I’m not sure what to really bring for the Amazon. I’m assuming I’ll be sweaty and smell disgusting and wear the same clothes the entire time. I’m tempted to not bring any other clothes than those on my back.

The Dean’s Memo yesterday had a list of things not to bring back on the ship from Brazil; it was pretty standard saying weapons and stuff like that. Then it went on to say piranhas and blowguns. As if this is standard, too. Haha. It makes me want to try to sneak a piranha on. Also, they have Amazonian tree frogs. I want to bring Batfrog back an exotic girlfriend.

After Pre-Port I ran into Pat; they were supposed to be showing their movie at 2230. When I went up for it, they couldn’t get it to work and eventually gave up. So I started packing for the Amazon so I wont have to worry about it tomorrow night.

I’ll be happy to get away from the ship for a few days and go out into the Amazon. I’m sick of sharing such a confined space for a room. I need a change of people. That’s the nicest way I can say it. Susan, if you read this, I miss living with you. I have to keep turning the heat off. I cannot sleep in heat. I need this room to be cold at night. I think I’m using my powers of intimidation. They seem to be working.

Now it’s time for bed. When I wake up I will be in Brazil, the last port before heading home. Mind-blowing. 15 days from today I’ll be back in Ft. Lauderdale!

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