Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 5: Crew Appreciation Day & Passover

0800 Marine Biology. Literally woke up at 0758 and ran to deck 5 for class. Somehow I was still one of the first people there. We had class out on the 7th deck by the pool. We had a discussion about global warming and sustainability. Abel pointed out that that was the coolest setting he’d ever taught in. We were only a few miles off the coast of South Africa. We could see beaches and mountains and buildings. Such a tease, since we still have 2 days til we get there. 0930 Global Studies. I lost interest very quickly during this class today.

At 1130 I went to the gym and biked and ran for awhile. The seas were calmer today, but it was still a challenge to run on the treadmill. I almost fell off once. But never fear, I caught myself and the girl next to me laughed at me. I stretched out on the deck and saw Nic tanning. I changed into a bikini and laid out with her for awhile. I put on sunblock so I don’t think I got any color.

After tanning I came back to the room to shower and then climbed back into bed and passed out immediately for the rest of the afternoon. I woke up at 1700 to get dressed and ready for Seder at 1730.

I went with Becca to the Seder that the ship was having. It was really nice and didn’t seem to matter that I’m not Jewish. There were 150 people there. It was huge. I guess they had one on the ship a few years ago and it was “big” and there were 50 people. So yea, this was pretty big. Becca and I sat with Isaac and Jason and the Finn family. They have two young children, so it made the experience much more family-esque, which was nice. It lasted for about two hours.

So today is Crew Appreciation Day. We made a big banner for the crew and stuff like that all day. At 2100 was the Crew Talent Show. Everyone went up to the Union early to get good seats since everyone can’t possibly fit in there. We were in for a treat, at 2000 there was a seminar on South African Opera. Haha. They got a huge turnout for the seminar just because everyone got there so early for the talent show. It was kind of interesting, but I would have rather sat there and finished writing a paper.

The Talent Show was amazing. My two favorite crew members, Allan and Darwin, performed about 10 different times: singing, dancing, and doing other random things. It was so funny and great to see the crew doing all sorts of crazy stuff. It also made me realize that a good amount of the crew is in their early 20’s like most of us. We saw them dressed in normal clothing and not their uniforms, with their piercings and showing off their tattoos. I wish we could interact with them more. The show was about 2 hours long and I think we all could have sat there for a few more. It was amazing. I can’t believe how talented they all are.

The MC’s of the night, Eric and Matt were also phenomenal. They were so funny and did such a great job.

At the end of the show as everyone was leaving the union they started playing music, reminding me of Nobles assemblies whenever we’d exit or enter. But as they did this we started an impromptu dance party in the middle of the union for about 10 minutes. Then they kicked us out and told us to go to bed. And that is where I find myself right now.

I just found out huge HUGE HUGE NEWS: SCOTT GOT ACCEPTED TO BU!!!! It took the family a few days to relay this news to me, but I am so excited!! Congrats! That is HUGE! I hope you’re really excited. I called home and talked to Mom and Dad for awhile, but unfortunately you were at school.

And that is my life in a nutshell.

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