Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 4: The Global Studies Presentation

So as I write this I really should be studying for my finals, but I really have zero motivation. And my idiot of a roommate is blasting something on tv while she “studies.” I cannot wait to be back home and out of this room. Our room is still a mess. She has not continued on in this packing rampage she started yesterday. And now she won’t stop talking to me. Wonderful. I need to get off of this ship before I kill someone. Trust me I’ve already thought about the ramifications about killing someone. But then I remembered my ocean law class from sophomore year. I could be punished by the nation state of the vessel, my nation state, the person’s nation state that I killed, and whoever is in control of the waters that we’re in. So basically I’d be screwed and it wouldn’t really be worth it. But I did consider this for awhile.

Anyways, my day. I tried to get up early before the gym to get some studying done. That didn’t happen. I kept hitting snooze and eventually got up at 1030 and went to the gym at 1100. I biked and ran and did some abs outside. It was finally nice out. I think this was the first day it’s been nice since we got back on the ship in Brazil.

After showering I hung out with everyone and we finished burning discs for our presentation at 1415. We met up right before and waited anxiously for Don. Everyone we’d talked to already said that they had done well and it wasn’t a big deal. They were right. He talked to us all in general for 20 minutes about what we did for the project and how each of us contributed to the project. We each had to answer some question for him. He singled out my highly intelligent roommate because she didn’t voluntarily say anything. I’ll give you a little background, we had to do a project on sustainability of something in the different countries we’ve been to. We did sustainability and food consumption. Each of the 6 of us picked a country and did interviews and did research, etc. for the project. My highly intelligent roommate had Japan. Don asked her what she learned from this project. Her answer didn’t have to be facts or anything like that, it could have been general, like “I learned a lot about the locals just by talking to them.” Her response was about how she learned they eat a lot of rice in Japan. And that they became an island nation. (When wasn’t Japan an island?) She told him they used to be poor back in the day and used to only eat soup. Becca and I exchanged looks and tried really hard not to laugh. Nic wouldn’t even look up. Don was a little confused by this and asked when “back in the day” was and she really had no answer. I’m convinced that’s part of why we only got a 90 and not higher. Everyone I’ve talked to so far has had between an 80 and a 94. I’m happy with that grade. But honestly, what?! He only watched about 3 minutes of our 20 minute video. I’m a little annoyed we spent so much time on this project for him to grade us right there knowing barely anything about our project.

We celebrated being finished by having a chicken sandwich up on the 7th deck. After that I headed back downstairs to start studying for Biology of Sharks. I did most of the study guide and got the other parts from Victor and Bea.

We had a family dinner at 1730. I wasn’t planning on going, but Tania ordered an ice cream cake. And who can turn down an ice cream cake? Family dinner has been less and less family as this trip goes on. We all want to kill certain members. But whatever. The cake was delicious. It was chocolate ice cream. It was mostly melted when we got it, so we had to eat it quickly.

After dinner I went back downstairs to finish up studying for Biology of Sharks. When I’d gone over it a few times I decided to go to Becca’s room and see if she’d go get tea with me. Nic was in there, alive from being dead from the Amazonian sickness. We talked for awhile about being excited to go home and happy to be away from everyone else. We all realized we were ravenous, even though it was 2200 and went up to the 7th deck for the second time today. I got another chicken sandwich and some M&Ms. That hit the spot and now I have to go back to studying before bed. I’ll also have to get up early tomorrow to actually study. I really don’t want to study. I’m pretty much over all of this school stuff on the ship.

I’ve turned up the volume on my computer to drown out all noise coming from the left side of the room. I’ll be happy to get out of here. Only 6 more nights of this bullshit. I will really miss a lot of people on here. But I won’t miss having to share a room with someone I’m not friendly with.

I apologize to those of you who don’t appreciate my attitude on these last few days. But imagine being trapped for 10 days with almost nowhere to go and being with the same people and living with someone you don’t like that much. There’s no escaping. Back home I could drive off or avoid my room almost altogether, but not here. You cannot avoid people. The more you try, the more you see them. It sucks. TAKE ME HOME ALREADY. That is the general consensus of the ship. I’m not alone.

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