Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 3: The Global Studies Exam

My alarm went off a little before 1000. After hitting snooze a few times I decided that I needed to get up and finish up the Global Studies readings for the test later today. Tania was asleep so I couldn’t turn any lights on. I read for over an hour and finished almost all of it before heading up to the gym. I used the stairmaster for awhile and read some more. I did the treadmill, too. I got really angry while running. I’m getting so sick of being on this ship. I feel so trapped now. All I want to do is run outside and not on a treadmill that moves side to side. I’m sick of worrying if I’m going to fall of it and break my ankle with each wave. I miss having a real gym. It is impossible to be healthy on this ship in terms of working out or eating. I’m over it at this point. I wish we were only 2 days from home instead of 7.

Anyways. I attempted to stretch and do abs outside, but it started down pouring. And there’s nowhere else do this stuff except for outside. So that was that for the day. Again, I can’t wait to have a legitimate gym. So I went and showered. Upon entering my room I discovered that my roommate had decided to start packing. Her shit was everywhere. We’ve still got 7 days… So our cabin steward basically cannot clean our room until after we’re completely packed and ready to go home, sweet, Tania.

I finished up the rest of the Global Studies reading. Becca came by and we all decided to go up and get food on the 7th deck before really studying for the test. Sam came, too. Nic’s still sick. I got a chicken sandwich for lunch. I ran into a girl who I went to the Amazon with. I hadn’t seen her since we’d gotten back. She told me that she got sick the last day while she was out in Salvador and had to run back to the ship. That sucks. Literally everyone on my boat got sick. I know of 3 people who didn’t get sick on group A.

I went down to the 5th deck dining hall with Bea, Vanessa, Patrick, Victor, and Becca to study. I studied down there up until dinner at 1700 and took a break. I still cannot stomach pasta. So I ate the vegetable chili with a bunch of roles to hold me over. We all hung out before the test and didn’t get much more studying done.

The test was at 1930. We had to fill out some questionnaire then do an evaluation of the course. Then we took the test. It wasn’t that bad. I was glad I had done the reading and read over all of the class notes I’d gotten from Victor. Most people said it wasn’t too bad, but a few friends said it was horrible. I’m hoping I did ok and that he’ll post the grades before we get of the ship. I’m really interested in it.

After the test we met up to finish up our Global Studies project. This took a lot longer than expected. Our presentation is tomorrow afternoon so we really need all of it to be done tonight. The video got finished as well as the bibliography and all of the handouts and papers. Some people in my group really are just lazy. I found myself having to do much of this final work. I’m sick of the complaining. One of our group members is just stupid and I’m really not sure how she gets through college on her own. I’ll be ecstatic when this is done with tomorrow afternoon. I worked until late putting it all together and correcting stuff and printing it all off. Somehow I ended up being in charge of the bibliography. That sucked.

Once it was all done I came back to my room and found my roommate was already in bed asleep, so I couldn’t turn the lights on. Now let’s regress back to when I said she started packing earlier. Our room is a nightmare and a ton of her stuff has now ended up in the middle of the floor and on my side. I nearly killed myself walking in the dark. The chair that’s supposed to be on her side is now in the middle of the room. Our room is tiny and it’s nearly impossible to get around. I’m going to kill her. Thank god it’s only a week until we get home. I’m going to sleep and rest up for tomorrow for our presentation and studying for two of my finals.

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