Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 6: Study Day & The First Day of May!

I didn’t go to bed last night until late, I really thought it would be a struggle when my alarm went off at 0930. Somehow I ended up waking up before my alarm feeling fully rested. It’s probably the fact that the blackout curtain wasn’t down and the sun woke me up a few times this morning. It’s really annoying, it shines right in my face. I’m going to have to fix that tonight. I’ve got a lot of stuff I need to do today.

I had an appointment at the spa at 1000. I’m glad I scheduled it for early to make sure I’d get up and moving. It was done by 1030. I checked out the 7th deck pool area and found Vanessa and Patrick out there, just like they said they’d be. I told them I’d be back. There were already so many people up there tanning and hanging out since most people are done. And those that aren’t really aren’t too concerned about their last finals. Tomorrow’s the last day of anything school-related for the semester! That’s way too exciting. I went down to Becca’s room and found her. We talked for awhile before realizing that we were both hungry, so we went back up to the 7th deck. I got a breakfast wrap. It was really good. We ran into Bea and Victor up there, too. Karen gave us her latest juicy gossip from behind the bar, so we had to go and investigate if it was true or not.

I tried going back to my room, but Kenton was cleaning it. He saw me coming back, but I quickly assured him our room needed the cleaning and that I didn’t need to get into the room. This is the first time it’s been cleanable in at least 4 days. I went back to Becca’s room. Nic wasn’t in her room. I just wanted to go to my room and study and take a nap. When I tried to go back Kenton was still in there. I wandered the ship for another 15 minutes. Then my room was clean. I chilled for awhile, but we had a meeting at 1400 that was mandatory. Brandon was chilling in our room and we gathered everyone up to go to it. It was stupid. It was all about disembarkation. It was literally a repeat of everything in the email that they’d sent to us. I’m not sure what the purpose of this was. They told us to read through it, and I did. It didn’t take too long. Then they showed a video after. It’s their promotional video for SAS. It’s the exact same one that they sent to us when we got accepted. I don’t know why they showed us. It was cool to see that we’ve been to so many of these places. We all commented throughout the video. It was weird to see the ship and see our semester broken down into all of its parts.

When it was over we all went back down to our cabins. Nic wanted to check out the school store, so Becca and I went with her. I like how we go there on a weekly basis as if there’s actually going to be something new there. I do miss shopping and having more clothes than just all my tshirts and sports shorts. I miss dressing up and looking nice. We found nothing we needed or wanted and ended up chilling in the hallway for awhile. We realized we were bored and hungry, so we went up to the 7th deck. I got a chicken sandwich and water. The water was from Brazil. This worried me a little bit, I really didn’t want to drink it after getting so sick from God only knows what. But my thirst overcame anything else and I was forced to drink it. Mason joined us and got some food. They started talking about the Wire and Oz, and I quickly lost interest and went back to my cabin to study. “Studying” quickly turned to napping. I took the best 2 hour nap ever. When I woke up it was dark out and 1900. I got up and found Nic to study with for Marine Bio. I couldn’t motivate myself alone.

Studying with Nic wasn’t much better. I sat in her room and talked with her and Sam while Sam attempted to pack up all her stuff. Becca came by after awhile. Then Bea came by asking if we were studying. She didn’t want to. I guess no ones really studying for this test. Then it was suddenly 2100 and there was a comedy study break up in the Union. We all went.

Eric started it out with some stand-up. Then Max and Tolan did a rap. Then Max, Tolan, and Danny did a musical story. They were all so good. The Improv Club tried to do some different scenes. The first few they failed miserably at. They were incredibly dirty and sexual and made everyone feel awkward. They really weren’t funny. They eventually got some momentum and they got better. They weren’t great, but they got better.

When it was over it was 2200 snack. Nothing good was there. So Emily, Becca, and I ventured up to the 7th deck. They had different cookies. They were back to being the good, delicious cookies that they originally had at the start of the voyage. We all got some. I signed up for the gym and went back to my room. I took a quick shower. When I came out Tania was watching a movie and I didn’t feel like dealing with it so I went into the hallway to do some stuff. There were a bunch of people out there studying and messing around. People cycled through, so I hung out there for most the night. But it’s getting late and I need to sleep before my final tomorrow. At 0915 tomorrow, I will be completely done! 4 days until Ft. Lauderdale! Tomorrow will be 3! I can’t wait. I just want to see all of my friends and family again and be able to talk to people with my phone and internet. I miss normal communication. This is not the real world. People in all of these countries have cell phones. Even in the Amazon. So I don’t feel like an ignorant person saying I can’t wait to get back to NORMAL communication. Internet is more of a luxury, but it is a luxury that I cherish. Anyways, I’m off to bed. It’s way too late for me to be up. Plus I can hear Tania sighing at the fact that I’m still up and typing. But hey, at least I’m not keeping her up because I’m having sex. So I don’t feel too bad.


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