Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 7: B Final Day & Alumni Ball

Blahhh. My alarm went off at 0715 to get up and study with Chelsea and Bea and Nic. But I hit snooze. I figured no one would actually get up. A few minutes later there was a knock on my door. Chelsea had actually gotten up and wanted me to study with her. So I told her I’d meet her up on the 5th deck for breakfast. I tried calling Bea but got no answer. I knocked on Nic’s door, but no one responded.

I went upstairs and met up with Chelsea and Ricky and at some Rice Crispies. We attempted to read through our notes. Nic came and joined us. We barely got any studying done. We all went into the test not studying. Sweet.

We went into class a little early. Abel had let everyone start when they came in. There were a few essay questions and then 50 multiple choice questions. It was kind of hard, atleast the multiple choice was. It was all about plankton and stuff like that. I had no idea that so much of the test would be on plankton. That made me a little worried, because I had only glanced at it. Oh well. In order to get an A or A- in this class, I had to get a 60% or above on the test. There was very little pressure to do well. I’m pretty sure I managed to get a 70, and at max, I got an 80. Whatever. It’s over now and it’s officially summer!!

Nic and I were chilling after our test done in the internet cafĂ©. Pat walked by. I yelled to him asking what he thought of the test. Then Nic looked at him and asked him if he’d even gone to the test. Abel let people take the tests wherever they wanted on the ship, so I hadn’t even thought twice about not seeing him in there. Plus he never goes to class, so I’m not used to him being there either. He looked pissed and told us he slept through it. It wasn’t 0915 yet, so he ran up to find out if he could still take it. He came back down a few minutes later. Abel told him he could. He told him to put his contacts in and get some coffee and then he could take it. Abel’s too nice. It pissed me off a little that he had slept through it and he could still take it. It’s not like he puts in any effort in that class.

We had gotten back all our stuff, I got 100% on everything, solidifying the fact that I only needed a 60% to get an A or A- in that class.

I climbed back into bed for a little while, but couldn’t sleep so I went up to the gym to bike. I finished up my National Geographic. While I was up there Nic came in. She had her leg waxing at 1100 and was terrified. She dragged me off of the bike and made me come in with her. Haha. The young South African woman was doing it and just laughed, but said it was fine. So I kept her company and talked to her the whole time. It was nice to not be the one getting hair ripped out of my body. Nic didn’t take it too well.

After, Nic treated me to a chicken sandwich for sitting with her. We decided we’d go change and come back up and tan for a little while and enjoy being done. I took a quick shower and then we headed up to the port side of the 7th deck. We read magazines and talked and just hung out. It was really nice out. It looked like it was going to rain for awhile off in the distance, but we managed to sail past it.

When we’d gotten our fill of the sun we went back down to our cabins. I took another quick shower and put on my pajamas. While sitting in the hallway, I ran into Sam coming back from her last final. She asked if I wanted to get my hair wrap then. I had asked her earlier and she told me she’d find me later to do it.

Nic was napping, so we chilled in my room and watched I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell while she did a hair wrap. I somewhat feel like I’m back in elementary school with a hair wrap. But at the same time, I absolutely love it. So many people have them on this ship. I’m waiting to see everyone’s reaction to it when I get back to Miami and see my friends and family. I really like it. It’s black, green, and blue. She had pink, too, but we concluded that I’ve very much not a pink person.

When she finished I did a little more work on packing up my room. I found Becca and we discussed getting ready for the Alumni Ball later that night. It was almost 1600 by now and we wanted to start taking pictures at 1700. I went back to my room and started drying my hair and finishing up picking up all my stuff. I helped Sam pin her skirt into a dress. When this was all said and done it was almost 1700 and I wasn’t ready at all. Bea called me to tell me we could see Puerto Rico right outside of our windows on the starboard side! She was so excited about it. She had run into Amanda and Alexandra’s room and they’d all freaked out. She told me all about what we were looking at on this part of the island and how Alexandra’s boyfriend was right on this coast at a beach. They all had gotten cell phone service since we were close enough. I felt kind of bad for them. We were so close to their homes and we had to keep going.

So I got ready in my dress and put on my heels and put on my make up. Victor came by and kept me company. Tania and I were running around doing last minute things. Then we went and gathered everyone. We took tons of pictures along the way. We ran into dad and got a family picture with me, Becca, Victor, and dad. It was really cute. We went up to the 6th deck aft and took a bunch of pictures. We took some with our other family and then took a ton more with each other and everyone else up there. Everyone looked gorgeous all dressed up and nice. This was the nicest I’ve seen people dressed. For the most part everyone was dressed formally. It was really nice. Pat was wearing a collared shirt and jeans with sneakers. Haha. I expect no less at this point.

We went up for dinner. My table was me, Becca, Molly, and Bea. Victor, Vanessa, Emily, and Sam were sitting at the table next to us. They gave us champagne as we walked in. The 8 of us toasted to SAS and Victor gave a little speech. It was really cute. The dinner was so good. We had empanadas, cream of broccoli soup, Caesar salad, and filet mignon. It’s so annoying that this food was so good. It made us feel like they’ve been holding out on us in the kitchen all semester. The dining hall was decorated really nice and the tables were set for a formal dinner.

I had a few glasses of red wine. It was a really nice dinner. When it was all done, they kicked us out to get ready for the second seating. We ran around the dining hall and took more pictures with other people. The next seating had started to filter in and we took pictures with them, too. We walked all throughout the ship for about an hour finding people and posing for pictures. We took pictures outside, but it was a little too windy and dark by this point. We were all dying for dessert, but it wouldn’t be served until 2200. So we had over 2 hours. LAME.

We ended up hanging out in Victor’s room until dessert trading stories and goofing off. At 2130 we headed up to the 6th deck. Dessert was being served by the library and computer lab and then in the piano lounge. Everyone was lined up by the library and computer lab. There was no line by the piano lounge, so we chilled there and waited. Everyone was taking pictures and salivating at the crazy desserts. There were so many of them out there. So much chocolate. There was cake and towers of cream puffs. Eventually they let us get the dessert and it was an absolute free for all. We ended up getting way too much dessert and chilling in the 6th deck dining hall. Some random guy came up and started talking to me. He told me we met on some trip together and remembered my name and where I was from and that I go to Miami. I was impressed because I couldn’t remember him for my life. I couldn’t even place what trip we might have done together. He was cute, too. I pretended I remembered him and he seemed really happy with himself. He’s also from Boston. I guess I have I’ll have another SASer back home, which is nice.

We gorged ourselves on all the dessert and hung out for awhile as everyone cycled through. I’m glad we had been at the beginning of the line, because it seemed to take forever for people to get through the line. We took more pictures. We got a huge family picture as people came through with their dessert. I can’t wait to see all of these pictures. We went up to the 7th deck to see the dance party going on. We hung out up there for a little while. The dance part was a little lame. And I was starting to get sick of wearing heels and a dress. We all went down to change into sweats and hang out and maybe watch a movie. We all ended up in Bea’s room.

We spent the rest of the night trading pictures and chilling. Victor came down and tried to convince us to come up to the dance for a little bit. Apparently there weren’t too many people up there. Not a huge surprise. Maybe if they served alcohol us there people would be more inclined to socialize and dance. But nope.

We ended up hanging out until really late. I was exhausted by the time I ended up back in my cabin. There were some good movies on tv and my roommate wasn’t sleeping in the room tonight. Double score for meeee.

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