Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 8: Day of Epic Nothingness

This was the first official day of summer and it actually felt like summer. There was absolutely nothing that I had to do. There were some reflection and re-entry events going on today. Originally I thought that we’d be required to go to these. We were not. So there was no way I’d be going. I’ve done the whole re-entry thing with Island School. I don’t think it makes much of difference. I’m already prepared by the fact that it’s going to be hard, no one’s going to really care what I did, and I’m going to have a hard time transitioning back to living in the US and not being a part of the SAS community.

I think someone called me and knocked on my door in the morning, but I didn’t bother to get up until almost 1130. I got up and knocked on Becca’s door, but she wasn’t there. So I knocked on Nic’s door. I think I woke her up. We decided to go and get lunch up on 6th deck and then go tan up on the 7th. Abel had sent out an email that our tests were done and graded and would be up in a box outside the faculty lounge. We went up there but couldn’t find them. On our way to the dining hall we found him and the tests. I got a 99 on my Biology of Sharks test! That was not at all what I expected. I expected an 85-90, but nothing more. Wow. And I got 94 on my Marine Biology test!!! This made me feel better knowing that this was my major and I could manage to not study for a basic level test and still get an A. A lot of people didn’t do well and got in the mid-70’s. I’m pretty sure Pat got a 40 or 50 something. He was the only person who I saw yesterday who told me that they thought the test was easy. He had made me nervous that I didn’t do well or know anything since I thought it was hard. But it was hard because I didn’t study. Whatever.

Lunch wasn’t anything special, some salad and some bread and soup. Isaac sat with us for awhile. I started bringing my notebook around to get people’s addresses and info.

Up on the 7th deck we got some dessert. They broke out the double chocolate chip cookies! They haven’t had those once on this entire voyage. What is this nonsense?! I got some. They were delicious. Better than any of the other cookies I’ve had on the ship. We ran into Bea and Vanessa and everyone. We laid out on the port side for awhile. We brought out books and stuff, but ended up just talking about going home and stuff. After an hour of sweating and tanning, Brandon and Tania came up and laid with us. We didn’t stay much longer. It was getting ridiculously hot. I went back down to my cabin and changed and went up to the gym.

I used the bike and started reading a book that Nic gave me, The Road. I’m actually really enjoying it. I’m hoping she’ll let me take it and finish it. I did some ab work out on the 7th deck after. Sam came up on the way to the salon.

I finished up and took a shower. Becca came over so we could trade pictures from the Ball. The pictures are so cute! Everyone looks amazing. I got Sam’s pictures, too. Then it was time for dinner. Tonight was our last family dinner. We found a mom! Holly is our mother now. Dad agreed to it after she offered to buy us an ice cream cake. Our family loves food.

We had dinner up on the 6th deck. Dad had ordered us some food and mom got us a cake. Dad got us shrimp and cocktail sauce, dumplings and soy sauce, and chips and salsa. We went crazy scarfing it all down. It was so good. So much better than the dining hall food. I have never seen dumplings served on this ship, nor has anyone else. Very strange. I had a little of the spaghetti. This is the first pasta I’ve even since throwing up epic amounts of it last week after the Amazon. It went pretty well. We finished up dinner and took a bunch of family pictures on the back of the 5th. They came out really cute. I need to get a hold of them from someone. Then out came the chocolate ice cream cake. It was really good. Oh, and Bea got adopted into our family. We had the best family ever. I’m so sad that that was our last dinner together. We had a big family hug when we were finished. I could have cried saying this goodbye. On the way back down we stopped in Tymitz Square. I got an 88 on my Global Studies final and ended up with a B+ in the class. I’m happy with that for not doing much for that class.

I went back to my cabin to finish up packing all of my stuff. I still had a lot left to pack. When I came back down to the 3rd deck I saw the internet cafĂ© full of crap. It was all Chelsea’s. She has so much stuff. She was in the process of packing. I don’t know how she’s going to get it all home. I spent over an hour gathering all my stuff and packing it into my THREE DUFFEL BAGS. I have so much stuff. My room was in a state of total chaos. But I managed to finish it up. For the most part. It all has to be done for tomorrow so they can collect all our bags to be taken off in Ft. Lauderdale in 2 DAYS!!! Becca, Victor, and Bea cycled through while I was finishing up to keep me company. Bea was working on an art project. She decided to make me a cape from left over clothing that everyone has. It’s the cutest thing. She even cut the hood off of a sweatshirt so it has a hood. It’s so funny. I thought it was a silly idea at first, but as I’ve seen it progress I’ve started loving it. And I love that she made it for me. When she finished sewing it I wore it around and we went up to the front of the ship to take pictures of it flowing. Bea decided it needed to be longer and we went back downstairs to finish up. Everyone was in the hallway, so I brought out my map and notebook to have people sign it. I’ve been working on a note and picture for Bea, so we spent the rest of the night doing arts and crafts. Anytime someone would go by that I knew or liked I had them sign my map and give me all of their info.

Bea decided when she finished that everyone should sign the cape. So she literally asked every single person who walked by to sign it. Most of the people we weren’t friendly with, but they happily agreed to sign it. They all laughed when we asked if they would sign our cape. It was so funny. At 2200 we decided to go up to the 7th deck to have our final chicken sandwich of the voyage. At 2330 tonight, they’re closing our accounts. We could pre-order stuff for tomorrow, but that seems a little excessive to me. The final chicken sandwich was delicious. So many people came upstairs to get food right before our accounts closed. It was ridiculous. They actually ran out of chicken sandwiches for the day. I’ve never witnessed that. I’ve heard of them running out of other things, but never the chicken sandwiches. But they’ll have more tomorrow for the people that pre-ordered them. Pat ordered 4 for tomorrow. That seemed a little excessive to me, but he loves them more than anything else.

We walked back downstairs and didn’t make it past the piano lounge. We ran into Saahil and dad. They signed the cape and gave us their info and we ended up talking to them for awhile. We helped Saahil with his superlative thing for Pre-Port tomorrow. I got a lot more people to sign the cape. Wade was exceptionally excited when I asked him to sign my cape. Then it was almost midnight the last showing of the Jackie Treehorn movie was playing. They had finished the 5th episode and were showing them altogether. It was in the Union. Finally they were understanding that it had a bigger following than just a classroom space. The Union was FILLED. It was almost an hour long with all 5 episodes. It was awesome. I’m so proud of Nolan and Pat. They did such a great job with it. I hope I can get a copy of it or that they put it up on youtube. I want to share it with everyone.

When it was over it was almost 0100 and I was getting tired. We went back downstairs and did more arts and crafts. So many people were up. I finished up my picture for Bea. I got more people to sign the map and give me their info. Everyone started going to bed after awhile, so I figured I probably should, too. I came back in and Tania wasn’t here, which is really nice. I fninshed up with all my stuff in the room and am finishing up the blogskis now. I am exhausted and now it’s 0400. I’m not exactly sure how that happened. But I have to get up in a few hours for convocation. Blah. I am exhausted. I can’t believe we’ll be back in the US in about 28 HOURS! That is obscene. Tomorrow/today (however you want to look at it), will be our last full day ever on this ship. I am so sad. I’m getting really sad and not wanting to go home now. I can’t wait to see all my friends and family, but I don’t want to leave my friends and family here.

Ok, enough with that. I need sleep. AMERICA SOONLY.

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