Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 4: No Classes

I woke up around 1130. It was so nice to sleep in. Although I still feel sick. I don’t understand how I can be sleeping this much and not be getting better. It’s just annoying now. So I showered and went up to the front of deck 7 to eat my cereal and start working on my Anthropology paper. I got bored after awhile and moved on to the 5th deck to snag some pasta. After lunch I found Becca and we finished up making our fliers to hang around the ship.

For our adopted father all of the children decided to set dad up with a wife, since we come from a single family home. To all of you not on SAS this sounds ridiculous I’m sure. He would never let us do this if he knew. The 9 of us had gotten together and took a picture together to put on the flier with a picture of dad. We printed out a bunch of them and put stickers on them and magnetic tape on the back. They said that we were looking for a mom for our “dashing father and his well-behaved children.” We hung them all over the ship. Everyone who saw them absolutely loved them---students and teachers. We weren’t sure how the staff and faculty would respond to them. They all thought it was hilarious and cute. A few people even responded to the ads! Unfortunately dad took them all down. He thought they were funny, but he was embarrassed.

At 1430 we had to take a giant picture of everyone on the back of the 7th deck. Apparently the first one they took back in January didn’t come out or something. Yes, they managed to screw it up. I’m not even sure you can see me in this one. But I was there. As we were leaving the 7th deck we spotted the Hawaiian girls getting ready to shoot another segment to their video that they revealed at the film festival. It was them dancing to Drop It Low. They danced to that song in every country at different places. I was with Claire and Annemarie when they danced to it on the Great Wall, but at the time I had no idea what they were doing. They had about 30 people dance down on the 6th deck while someone filmed it from above. Even Dean Crabtree did it! I can’t wait to see that video, a bunch of the Life Long Learners were in it with us and even some teachers.

I had dinner up on the 6th deck with Becca, Pat, Victor, Vanessa, and a few others. Dinner wasn’t very good so we ended up going to the 7th deck and got chicken sandwiches. Much better decision. That is something I won’t miss about this ship: the food. I thought it would grow on me and I’d just get used to it. Nope. We pushed a few of the tables together and a bunch of us hung out there for awhile.

Back down on the 3rd deck everyone was chilling in the hallway doing work. I finished up some of my FDPs for Abel. We all hung out and listened to music until 2200 when the boys were premiering the third segment of their movie Well Hard. They got a huge turnout, by far the biggest they’ve had so far. Not everyone could even fit in the classroom. They really should just show it in the Union or on the tv and suck it up. Their movie is highly inappropriate, and they don’t want the kids to see it. I like how that’s a big deal, but they show rated R movies on the tv all the time. They pick and choose what they enforce and get pissed off about.

After the movie we grabbed some snack from the 6th deck dining hall and everyone went off to their cabins. I got the room to myself again. So glorious. I can leave the lights on as late as I want; I can chill and stay up late without worrying. I feel badly for Nolan, he hasn’t had the room to himself in at least 2 weeks.

But anyways, I was stoked to go to bed and get an extra hour of sleep. We turned the clocks back an hour again. We’re now only 4 hours ahead of east coast time. We’re catching up.

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