Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 5: A20

I got up at 0900 to shower then went to Global Studies with Becca at 0930. Then 1100 Biology of Sharks. We watched Shark Water for the millionth time. Shockingly I was the only one who’d ever seen it and one of maybe three people who had even heard of it. It’s still a great movie the millionth time around. Bea, Victor, Emily, and I had lunch outside on the 6th deck. It was hot and sunny out. It’s started getting humid again. I think it literally went from being in the 60’s to being in the 90’s overnight. We’re nearing the equator again!

After lunch I went back to my cabin and laid down and fell asleep until 1400 class. I seriously contemplated not getting up, but realized I only have a few more classes left in the semester so I should go. Plus I should probably hand my paper in to my teacher in person. Class was a review of a lecture she’d given in Global Studies about a month ago, so it was pretty useless, but she let us go a half hour early.

I hung out with Tania for awhile before dinner since Brandon had to write a paper. I haven’t seen much of her lately, so it was nice to hang out together in the room and chill.

We all had dinner together up on the 5th deck at 1730. Some rando girl joined the 7 of us; it was a little intrusive. But oh well.

After dinner I finished up the last of my FDPs and printed them out for Abel. Now I just have to do the final homework projects for that class. He literally just assigned them the other day and they’re actually a fair amount of work. That completely sucks. Shannon, Tania, Nic, and I met quickly for our Global Studies project.

I went up to the gym at 1930 and ran on the treadmill and biked for a longgggg time. Nic was on the bike next to me and Becca had finished her workout, so the three of us talked our way through the second half of my and Nic’s workouts. Lovely. It was hot and humid out on the deck when we went to stretch and do abs. Bea and Amanda were out there aerobicizing or whatever you want to call it. It was a gorgeous night out though. The seas have been ridiculously calm. It barely even feels like we’re at sea. It’s probably a combination of good weather, calm seas, and being used to the ship now though. Not just the calm seas.

I showered and was feeling pretty exhausted. Becca came and found me and we went upstairs to get some tea and 2200 snack. We ran into a bunch of people and chilled in the 6th deck dining hall for awhile. I did a little work before bed on my Marine Bio homework project thing, but was having trouble concentrating and decided to go to bed.

Bad decision. I had had too much tea and caffeine and couldn’t fall asleep. I laid in bed for like 3 hours before I managed to fall asleep around 0300. Lame.

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